As a

College / University in Canada

Guidelines for the process to get accepted by a Canadian College or University.

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College / University the in USA

Guidelines for the process to get accepted by a USA College or University

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Going for the Next Level!

Thinking about going to College or University is intimidate to start with but thinking about going and getting a scholarship for a sport, makes that thought even more intimating? Where do you even start?

The goal for this page is to make that process less frightening. The two links above will help layout a step by step process for setting goals and giving you an idea of how to get into a school, whether it be in Canada or the USA.

First Steps…

When your girls are in Grade 10, their team should create a Facebook page and/or website to get the girls names online. Recruiters are now going online to look up potential recruits. Posting videos, tournament information, tournament wins, anything that will showcase the girls is a great way to get their names out there. Also, for the girls, making sure their Facebook profiles are recruiter friendly, which does mean being mindful of what is being posted.

For girls who know they want to go to College or University, the best way is to keep every possible doorway open. Starting in Grade 10, girls should be continuing with a second language, Math, English, Science and continuing with these course all the way through Grade 12. If they can achieve AP level course, perfect! Those AP level class from their grade 12 year can count towards their first year on University, as some schools. Otherwise their goal is to get the best possible grade they can achieve in these subjects to make their lives easier for apply to schools!

College / University in Canada

When your daughter is in Grade 11, this is where she wants to start thinking about what she wants to take at College or University, what programs might interest her? When she has somewhat of an idea, the next step would be looking into schools that have the program she wishes to go into, a great place to start is

Assuming that your daughter wants to play ball at College or University, after find a few schools that have a program that interest her – going to the athletics website and looking into the softball program would be the next step. See how the program does, who they have already on their roster and if the coach would be looking the position your daughter plays. Then email them with a link to your teams website, the tournaments you will be attending and telling them you are interested in their school.


College / University in the USA

The best way to catch the eye of recruiter is to head south and play in tournaments with at least 5 – 6 given games, and post the tournaments you are attending on your team page.

What the states require from potential students is a SAT and/or ACT, I believe it is best to take both just to cover your basis. The tests are based on the grade 11 and 12 curriculum.  The SAT is made up three sections: Math, and Verbal (the verbal section is comprised of Critical Reading, and Writing.) Each section is graded with a score ranging from 200-800. The ACT measures English, Math, Reading, and Science Reasoning, and is scored differently than the SAT. Different divisions have different requirements for enrollment. An NCAA Division 2 college will require a combined score of 820 for the SAT. Most NAIA schools require a combined score of 860 on the SAT to be considered. For an NCAA Division 2 college, your combined score on all sections will need to be at least 68. For an NAIA school, only your composite scores are counted, and this must be at least 18. A good place to get more information about this is from :

You can take both tests as many times as you like, the higher the score the better chance of being accepted into different schools.





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